jazzahead! 2025

jazzahead!, the world’s most significant annual Jazz convention and festival, will be back in Bremen this year. From April 24th to 26th, there will be showcases from artists from this year’s partner countries France, Spain, and Switzerland, as well as overseas and Africa showcases, European showcases, and the German Jazz Expo with new and upcoming musicians presenting themselves in 30-45 minute concerts. The so-called Family Reunion of Jazz is the big Trade Fair where last year, over 3.000 participants from 66 countries were registered with around 15.000 visitors in total. I was there again last year and made a lot of new contacts, reconnected with old peers and didn’t have a lot of sleep.

jazzahead! 2025

The Grand Opening of this year’s jazzahead! will be on April 23rd with a concert by the Louis Matute Large Ensemble & guests. But the Swiss guitarist will not be the only one on stage for the opening: the Cuban trumpeter Yelfris Valdés, who lives in Spain, has already made a name of himself in the London Jazz scene. And once again, there will be a lot more to discover and enjoy at this year’s event: the big Club night with the programme to be announced this month and Jazz For Kids are two more highlights.

You can find all relevant info about the showcases, the fair, and everything else surrounding the festival at www.jazzahead.de

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